Red Pepper and Paprika Hummus

A delicious accompaniment to celery and carrot sticks, sliced red, green and yellow peppers, smeared on a sandwich base or merely sitting along side a mouth-watering salad bowl, this is so easy to make and you can make it as crunchy or as smooth as you like.


Dawn: This is so simple and tasty to make…I’ve been nibbling on celery sticks dipped into this gorgeous burnt orange coloured yummyiness as I’m writing this recipe!


 200g chickpeas, drained

 1 red pepper, washed, de-cored and slices

 3tps of oil (sunflower used here and you can use extra virgin olive oil, if you prefer and have it in)

 2tbsps of tahini

 1tsp ground paprika

 Salt and pepper to season


  •  Place all the ingredients in a food processor and blitz them together until they are a consistency you prefer.
  •  Season and serve.

 Dawn: It really is this simple! Try it and see for yourselves.

Andrew: I don’t mind if I do! Thanks, Dawn.

Dawn: Simple to prepare and make food, packed with taste and goodness. The aspect I like the most about preparing and making food is I know exactly what ingredients have gone into everything. Often, the ingredients will make a much larger quantity than if I’d bought a similar product in a shop and my recipes are full of tasty deliciousness that mass produced food is all too frequently lacking.

For more easy-to-make recipes, follow the Love Food team at either via email (your email address is safe and we take privacy very seriously) as well as daily doses of food insights, inspirational ideas and thoughts, and the odd cat photo or two on Twitter @Love_Food_UK. Love Food are also on  Facebook and Mumsnet, too. And let us know what you cook and how it goes, please: we love to hear from you.

Beetroot and Chickpea Fritters

Beetroot and Chickpea Fritters – #burgers by any other name! A veggie #burger, no less!

Love Food! Food, Fun & Friends


Beetroot used to be such a maligned vegetable, as some of us remember from the overuse of it in school dinners,  but here it provides the basis of a family meal which cost pennies to produce.

Dawn: It was quite labour intensive, especially as the beetroot is always messy to prepare.

Andrew: Yes, even with a food processor, you have a lot of washing up, but the end product is quite amazing. 


150g beetroot- raw, and peeled

2 tbsp olive oil

One can (400g) of chickpeas or the equivalent weight of dried chickpeas, soaked overnight and cooked thoroughly

Salt and pepper to season

More olive oil to cook


  • Either grate the beetroot using the course side of a grater or use the grater setting on your food rocessor.

Dawn: We suggest you use rubber gloves and wear an apron. Beetroot juice will stain your clothes and your skin.

View original post 168 more words

Pork and Sage Burgers with Samphire and Chestnut Mushrooms

Another tasty #burger #recipe – Pork and Sage Burgers with Samphire and Chestnut Mushrooms #internationalburgerday

Love Food! Food, Fun & Friends

A delicious and easy-to-follow burger recipe which you know exactly what ingredients are in them. Try this and review on this blog, please.

20140517_132439Dawn: Samphire? What’s that?

Andrew: I’ve seen it on the cookery programmes on the TV. It grows on the coast, in salt marshes. I found a box for a pound and thought I would give it a go.

Dawn: I can see it there, poking out from beneath your salad. 

Andrew: The first homegrown leaves of the year no less!


Serves 4

500g pork mince

A handful of sage leaves, finely chopped

8 chestnut mushroom, finely sliced

100g samphire

Salad leaves of your choice

Salt and black pepper for seasoning

Olive oil to fry


  • Place the pork mince in a bowl, add the chopped sage, salt and pepper, and mix will with your hands.
  • Some people use an egg for binding, but this wasn’t necessary here.

View original post 197 more words